To book a 45 minute treatment with me, please book for an hour and leave in the notes that you would like a 45 minute appointment. Thanks!

Availability: Monday, Tuesdays, Fridays

Direct billing: Pacific Blue Cross, Manulife, Sun Life Financial, Canada Life, Green Shield

Direct billing for ICBC/WCB not available.


It wasn’t long after Sarah first started seeing a massage therapist before she knew that massage therapy was the career for her. Her massage therapist not only treated her symptoms, but also took the time to learn more about Sarah, her habits and history to try to figure out the root cause. Her RMT explained how the biomechanics worked and that appealed to her engineering background. They also taught her preventative measures and home care to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment and to minimize the chances of re-injury. That is the type of massage therapist Sarah strives to be.

Sarah is a graduate of the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in Cambridge, Ontario with continuing education in manual lymphatic drainage and pre/post-natal care.

Outside of work, Sarah enjoys rock climbing, hiking, CrossFit and yoga.

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